Weekly Update

Over the past few weeks, most of my game dev time has been spent in C++. I’ve had a few game ideas that I’ve tossed around in my head and started writing up. Granted, ideas are practically worthless without taking action, but in some ways it’s a relaxing exercise. When I’m not programming in C++ or writing, I’m still working on some tutorials to post in the future.

The two ideas I’ve thought about are 1) a medieval combat game where the interface is like the game Fruit Ninja, where you click and drag on the screen to make a slash, and that’s actually where your character would swing. And the idea is that when your sword ‘collided’ with an enemy, it would check to see if it hit armor, and if not, if you had enough force behind your swing it would hack that part of the enemy off. The other idea was a top-down zombie survival game drawing inspiration from Dwarf Fortress and Minecraft. It would be a 3d world composed of blocks, you’d rescue people and they would follow you so you could use them to occupy an abandoned house, build up your defenses, craft weapons and walls. I wanted it to be dynamic and allow enough freedom that you could dig out a shelter below ground, designiate that area as the sleeping area, and once all your followers are there asleep you could seal it off. Then when your character needed food you’d release one, kill them, and eat them. It’s incredibly gruesome, but that’s the level of freedom I would want your character to have; the ability to choose between the horrific and the honorable in an zombie/apocalyptic setting.

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